Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Modesty guidelines are less stringent on campus than in the community at large, but the University does have an officer on hand who on behalf of the sheikh monitors decency.  He makes sure that faculty and primarily students dress and behave modestly.  He strolls around the library, parking lots, residencies, and academic buildings making sure nothing haram is happening.  Faculty dressing inappropriately might lead to an email reminder to the whole campus with a reminder about decency.  Students might get a warning or get sent back to the dorms to change.  Apparently, two students were expelled for kissing in a car.  Kissing and other acts of public affection are big offenses.  Shorts that reveal the knees of either sex, and sleeveless or low-cut tops on women are bad, as are men and women sitting too closely to one another, especially if one or both of them are single.

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